Sunday, July 9, 2017

Cycling in Freeport, Maine

Our day off

One day a week for 24 hours, we are totally free. We took our bikes to Freeport, Maine and got a ride sheet from LL Bean for a 25 mile loop to Brunswick. The morning was foggy and heated up pretty quickly as we rode. Pleasant Hill Road had plenty of ups and downs. Two miles before the end of our loop, I turned into Wealden Farms. Mike said that we didn't have any way to carry anything back if we bought anything. He was wrong. They had the best chocolate chip cookies and a cold drink. It was just what I needed to make the last climb back into Freeport.

 We passed several places on our ride with access to the Atlantic Ocean. The tide happened to be out.
 Green crab cages
Of course, after a bike ride, lunch is a requirement. We had eaten 1/2 of the steamers before I took the picture. Next up was some mighty fine fish tacos.

We stopped back by LL Bean after our ride and lunch but didn't need to buy a thing. I was ready to head home.
I stole a car, accidentally. The camp director told me to take the blue car with the keys in it when I needed to take a camper to the doctor one morning. The car I took was not the blue one she intended.
 Later that day, another camper needed to go to the Ready Care.  Mike brought the correct car to me while I got the camper ready. I got in the car and didn't know how to start it. The 14 year old camper had to help me figure out how to make it go. Once we got to the Ready Care, he took the fob and told me how to turn it off. He was kind of proud.  

 The path to Crows Point where the older campers live is a nice 1/2 mile walk.
Part of the sailing lesson is to capsize the boat and then right it. A calm day is the best for that. The boys were able to flip the sailboat but didn't have enough weight to right it. The boys in the upright sailboat got close enough for one of them to swim over and add his weight to get it upright. Success. 

I think these Mallards (the youngest campers) would rather be at free time or breakfast instead of the camp photo. I like this kind of photo instead of the one that everyone is posed just right.
We enjoy going down to beginner's beach and watch these little guys catch frogs and water snakes. They built a house in woodshop for some frogs The counselor found 3 dead frogs in the house under the bunk a few days later.
During "Nature Time" the little boys put 4 frogs in a box. A while later, they noticed only three frogs. The large frog had legs hanging out of his mouth. One of the boys picked it up and pulled the little frog out and let him loose. The little frog didn't last long.
Mike keeps busy fixing things and keeps the vans and boats gased up and ready to go on his own schedule.
One day a week doesn't sound like much time off. But we rotate days as primary and secondary nurse. We usually have the day to hang out as secondary if we aren't going to the doctor or pharmacy. Last week was exhausting with some big injuries and plenty of sick kids. Yesterday, I was primary and took a nap in the nurse's room in the afternoon. You just never know.

Cuenca, Ecuador

An Expat Destination The morning after returning to Quito we boarded an hour-long flight to Cuenca. Driving up the winding roads would have ...