Sunday, February 28, 2016

Light rail and rising moon

Public transportation has always been a good way for us to find our way around. It beats driving and trying to find a parking place and which way to go to get to who knows where. Tucson invested in its light rail two years ago with grants and has been such a success that they plan to expand.

The area around the university has some great parks. We have found that college students know good places for food and beer. They definitely have plenty here.

We stopped in for lunch and should have shared our order.

Two nights of beautiful moon risings while we were house sitting.

Such a beautiful place to housesit and watch a sweet dog, but it was nice to get back to our little casa after trying out the mountain biking in Sweetwater Preserve just around the corner. We did come home with each of us having a flat. Mike's  inner tube was totally blown out. I don't know what he hit. We were just glad we made it back before it blew.

Yes, you have to walk back up here after you get done cooking.

Cuenca, Ecuador

An Expat Destination The morning after returning to Quito we boarded an hour-long flight to Cuenca. Driving up the winding roads would have ...