Showing posts with label California. Show all posts
Showing posts with label California. Show all posts

Friday, July 1, 2016

Lassen Volcanic National Park

There were too many pictures of the great time we had here to put in one post. Here goes part two.

We would get on the trails fairly early to avoid the late morning and afternoon crowds. Some of the people we would see on the trails later in the morning without water worried me. They didn't seem to  have any idea that they could have a problem and need help to get back. When we returned to the visitor's center, I asked a ranger if they had to rescue many people. He responded that they did quite frequently, mostly dehydration. A few days earlier, they had to fly a boy scout off Brokeoff
Mountain after he fell and fractured his leg. That is no easy hike. Before a helicopter can be allowed to enter the protected area, they have to have it cleared with the federal agency.

Sulfur Works boiling mud and steam vents near a short interpretive path loops around odoriferous steam vents, rumbling vents called fumaroles, and bubbling mud pots. The largest mud pot, about five feet across, is right next to the sidewalk.

It is a little hard to see the stream vent to the right.

Our hike to Mill Creek Waterfall was a lot of up and down but a good morning.

Fields of Mule's Ear flowers

A marmot was sunning himself during our hike to Mill Creek Waterfall. Mike heard a pica once but they are declining due to the warming temps. A hiker we met on a trail had seen a black bear earlier in the day. One night we woke to an unusual screeching critter sound.

Snow plants have no chlorophyll. it derives nutrition from fungi underneath the soil.

At night we would wake up at 2 or 3 am to look at the stars. There seemed to be millions once the moon went down and no light outside.

Did a little skiing in our shoes back down the hills

Chaos Crags Trail to Crag Lake. Once we got to the lake, the temperatures went up and  felt like we were walking on Mars in the volcanic dust and sand. There was no breeze as we climbed down in the areas of eruption. There are high school students that do research with NASA for credits in the area.

 We managed to hike 16 miles of trails during our days in Lassen to put a small dent in the many trails available.
We were living without hookups but at the park store there were showers that cost 6 quarters for 3 minutes that were pretty handy. Mike was getting ready to shower when he heard two boys around 11 years old discussing that if they hurried and took turns with one shower, they would have $1.50 to spend in the store on a treat. They got all ready and took turns jumping in the shower. I bet they
told their parents they felt grungy the next day and needed another shower.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Leo Carrillo Ranch

We had been reading a book about the movie industry of the 1930s when Greg Welch, a friend of Mike's from Vermont suggested that we visit the Leo Carrillo Ranch in Carlsbad. Leo was the actor that play Pancho in Cisco Kid movies in the 1930s.  He purchased the ranch and entertained his Hollywood friends there. The next day was the Wild West Fest and we headed over to check it out.

Leo loved peacocks and many are still around the grounds.

It was fun to imagine the parties with Will Rodgers, Clark Gable and Carole Lombarde. Leo would bring in trailers for his guests. I guess he could move them when he was ready for the people to leave.

 Blue Agave

Counting down with 2 weeks left before we head down the road. The traffic, scary drivers and gloomy weather will not be missed. We had a little more skin cancer taken care of with a little nip and tuck. After getting hit with the ugly stick, I got a lopsided haircut. Maybe she was thrown off by the swollen face. Once the sutures are out, we can hit the road.

People at work have been more than glad to point out to me that Morley Safer died a few days after retiring. He was 84 years old is my response. Better not take any chances and wait that long.

Deedee's, Leo's wife, house for her art projects.

Fancy sunken tile tub

When we got home, I watched an episode of the Cisco Kid on line. It was pretty hokey.

Caretaker's home for the 4500 acre cattle ranch. 
The Flying LC Ranch brand.

We always appreciate a tip of places to see or things to do.

Cuenca, Ecuador

An Expat Destination The morning after returning to Quito we boarded an hour-long flight to Cuenca. Driving up the winding roads would have ...