Sunday, April 26, 2020

Another month in South Carolina

Springtime in Greenville

We signed on for another month in Greenville, SC. The storms keep rolling across the country and just skirting both north and south of us.

Other than our walks and bike rides from the campground, this was our first real outing in a while. I put on my earrings and lipstick in preparation for our drive towards North Carolina and the farm stands. Woo Hoo!

April is the start of strawberry season in SC. Strawberry Hill is located on the North Carolina border. People were buying the produce as quickly as it was being brought in from the fields.

I was glad to see that strawberry shortcake is an essential business. We donned our masks and kept our 6 feet distance while buying our carry out shortcake and sat on a stump across the road for our snack.

Along the Carolinas' border are Revolutionary battlefields and fruit farms. A short drive down the Chesnee Highway from the fruit farm was the Cowpens Battlefield.

The walking trails were open, giving us the chance to imagine the battles being waged. 
On Jan. 17, 1781, the Americans won a decisive battle against the better-trained British Army here. The battle was over in less than an hour giving the Patriots the moral support needed to continue fighting and win the Revolution just nine months later.
All of this social distancing is clouding some of our decisions. People are avoiding the ER with stroke and heart attack symptoms due to fear of the virus and in turn suffering permanent injuries. 

One morning at 3 am, I woke with the worst vertigo and a headache that wouldn't stop. I thought about visiting the ER but felt anxious. My blood pressure was high as I thought about entering the Covid 19 cave of the ED. I called the hospital to see which hospital was designated for non Covid patients and she encouraged me to go in. I took some medication and things finally started to resolve. It was stupid to not go in when I could have had something bad. Fortunately, I did get medical attention and am fine. But looking back, I might rethink my choice and let the medical people know my concerns.
 A 30 mile ride with hills and wind thrown it. Laying down was not the best plan with sweat and sunscreen running into my eyes. And then I had to get up.

Check out those calories!
South Carolina's govenor is starting to open some of the state parks and beaches. He seems like a reasonable and intelligent man in his daily briefings. We will see how the next few weeks unfold before we decide how we are going to make our exit from here.


  1. You'e in a good place to stay hunkered down, and with those bike rides you'll sleep well too! Hope our Farmer's Markets will open soon!
    Stay Safe!

    1. There are actually drive through farmer's markets here. One way in and out.

  2. Those strawberries.... wooooooowwwwww.......

    I think it makes a lot of sense to stick around one more month. It sounds like you'll have some more options soon for places to go and things to do, and if the powers that be are acting reasonable, that's half the battle right there.

    1. Many places are open on our way other than Chaffe County in Colorado. Hopefully they will open by June 1.

  3. Right from the field berries are hard to beat and I can imagine how good the shortcake tasted. We have a field about 4 miles from here but haven't seen them open yet.

  4. I'm glad you're okay and that you didn't have to go to the ER. Such crazy times, and with such difficult decisions to make. Staying put for another month seems like a good plan. It sure is beautiful there, and how fun that you got to get all dressed up for your farmstand tour, LOL!

    1. Telemedicine is a great way to get taken care of without being up close and personal. I always look like a mess hiking and biking. It is nice to clean up and go out. ;)

  5. Glad you're okay, visiting the hospital now is scary. Waiting for strawberry season to start here in IL. Been thinking of you with all the storms going around.

    1. The storms are ugly. The last one hit in Northern Greenville. We are on the south side. Aghh! Glad you are settled in IL.

  6. So sorry about the vertigo! It's tough to decide what to do in these situations! I have my fingers crossed that we don't have any kind of medical emergency, it would be difficult given the language barrier and transport situation. I get vertigo, too, and the exercises seem to help me. Hope you are doing well!

    1. I am finally getting better. It would be tough in your situation. Guess we had better stay well. ;)


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