Monday, September 14, 2015

Door County Century

Fall is definitely in the air with crisp 55 degrees in the morning and the sound of the leaves in the breeze. Perfect cycling weather.
Where did the time go? We left 7 weeks ago and are starting our way back to the southwest. It has far exceeded our expectations. We started this blog to help us remember as we go and share our adventures with our friends and family. We have used it a few times to remember where we were when something happened.

The lighthouse in the park overlooking Green Bay. Watch out for the poison ivy and wild parsnip.

What a fabulous route and sunshiny day for a ride along the peninsula and bay with a temp of 47 degrees at 7 am. Thankful for Tylenol and ice for the knees after 50 miles. With over 3000 riders today, these Midwest people love to ride their bikes.
Here come some of our friends.

Fish Creek Beach
Sometimes, it is difficult to decide where to ride next. We are trying all of them, yeah right.

A new jersey is always a conversation starter. Mike wore his Colorado Copper Triangle jersey and people just had to discuss it. People have been very welcoming and happy to give us hints on places to go and see or good places to eat. That would be all of them and we tried.

The overcast cloudiness made riding quite comfortable. The ride from town to our campsite is only 3 miles. It can seem longer after a long day but nice under the canopy of trees.

Egg Harbor

Artisanal breads and hot soup for lunch

Cheese curds have to squeak when you bite into them to know they are fresh. Nothing but squeaky cheese around here so far.

Checking out the local farms on our bike ride.


Yep, the goats are up there and the Swedish pancakes pretty darn good at Al Johnson's in Sister's Bay.
The bike ride thru Ephraim.

Thirty minutes after sunset, the bats come out of their homes. Most of the bat houses are on the side of buildings. This one was built with a special grant. But the seagulls would sit on top and catch the baby bats when they come out and eat them. The whitenose syndrome is killing off the bat population, not so good for the environment. Between the seagulls and whitenose, the bats aren't doing so well.

A camp host was watching the sunset with us and told us stories of the area and how she volunteered as a docent the Rock Island lighthouse for a week. It is very rustic but she had a bed, gas refrigerator and stove. Everyone else on the island had to bring in what they needed and walk to their camping sites. No cars allowed.
Another great sunset along Lake Michigan.

Cuenca, Ecuador

An Expat Destination The morning after returning to Quito we boarded an hour-long flight to Cuenca. Driving up the winding roads would have ...